Standout Squarespace Course by Squarestylist

So I actually found out about STANDOUT and SQUARESTYLIST because I took the ilovescreatives course (click here if you want to see my thoughts on it) and I saw that so many people were taking their Squarespace designs to the next level because of Rache’s mini courses. At the time, I really wanted to purchase them, but also was always hesitant in enrolling in any online course or purchasing codes because I wasn’t sure if I was all in on Squarespace. Once I heard about Standout and what it offered— pretty much most of the codes and more and actually learning how to code— I decided to enroll. I had some hesitations because of the price, but let me tell you, it’s totally worth it. 


I took this class wanting more — and that’s exactly what I got.

I wanted to really dive deep into CSS with Squarespace and take my Squarespace designs to the next level. I knew how I wanted to design it, but didn’t know how to go about it. I also love that some of courses dip your feet in Javascript because that even opens up a whole new world. I was also curious about Shopify and she touches that in the course as well.

Before Standout, I would try to piece together different pieces of code and if I got lucky it would work, but now I understand more of the concepts. I had dabbled in CSS and html but it had been so long. Am I a master coder now? No, but that’s also my fault (I’ve been busy). But I would say I’m getting way more confident and comfortable with it. My process has definitely refined.

I only had experience in 7.0 from taking the ilovecreatives course because 7.1 was new. I worked in 7.0 only because that was where I was most comfortable and I thought 7.1 was way too daunting. However, I realized that 7.1 is the future and Rache made approaching it so easy. Now I’m more comfortable in 7.1 than 7.0 which I didn’t think would happen, least not any time soon. Yet here we are!

I love that there are practice projects and even mini quizzes to make sure you’re grasping concepts! I love that the practice projects are not only aesthetically pleasing but also useful to reference! Everything is well-organized, from the courses, the Knowledge database, and even the community. I reference everything all the time.

Honestly, even if you’re new or are an experienced designer, I found so much value in this course. I have a degree in design and found even the design modules helpful. So if you’re starting out, I would highly recommend!


If I could give a person a 5 star rating, Rache would get it. Seriously though, she is so sweet and she’s a great teacher. Her lessons are easy to digest and there’s so many reference materials she has created. She does such a good job on explaining things and even when I can’t grasp something she is so patient and kind. She’s always willing to help and share her knowledge which I love.


Her team is awesome too. I’ve never had a problem contacting her and her team and they respond pretty quickly!


I love the community! Everyone I’ve interacted has been so nice! It’s nice because someone could have asked a question months ago, but you can see how it got resolved. I’m honestly constantly learning and using the community as a tool. It’s like an extension of the toolkit. People also post about projects that they may need help with or you can pick up which is a great way to get started.


In the client communication module, she goes through step by step how to go through the client process from leads to calls to onboarding and even all the way to finishing off the project. I honestly loved it. As someone that hates doing emails and calls, she lays it all out for you. I would say that it is definitely helpful for beginners or even for people wanting to refine their client process!


My life was a bit hectic while I was going through the course so it took me longer than it should have, but I loved that I could go at my own pace and hop back in whenever I could. 

This course is jammed pack with so much information so it is a bit of a time commitment. However, I found myself saving time in the long run because when I would try to Google or figure it out on my own I felt like I was going in circles and spending so much time. I also am a visual learner and Rache does such a great job explaining, I am able to grasp concepts better. 


I am constantly referring to the Squarespace Knowledge Database and Toolkit. There’s so many goodies that help elevate your design. Your designs will look so far from a template! I was amazed at how much can actual be accomplished in Squarespace. Taking this course removed a lot of limitations I thought Squarespace had.


This course helped respark my love for web design. Standout is really made for anyone from beginner to advanced. I’ve learned so much from taking the course and am constantly using the resources provided. I definitely feel confident being able to charge more not only as a designer but as a developer too! I hope this helped in some shape or form whether you decide to take it or not! 


Feel free to REACH OUT if you have any questions!

Check out a FREE WORKSHOP series to learn more about it! Or sign up for her WEBINAR if you’re interested!


If you’re curious to see what taking one of Rache’s courses is like first, check THIS out! 

*please note that this post contains affiliate links that will give me a small commission — at no extra cost for you :)

Leilani Choi